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Upper Blepharoplasty

The upper blepharoplasty can improve the appearance of droopy eyelids and may also improve vision if eyelid fat or skin is pressing on the eye. This procedure can be performed through an incision above the lashes or through the inside of the eyelid. 

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Lower Blepharoplasty

To improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, excess fat, skin, and muscle from the upper eyelids are removed. The goal of this procedure is to give the patient a more youthful and aesthetic look. Lower blepharoplasty is also known as the “eyelid lift ”.

Correction of Tear Trough Deformity

Tear trough deformities are often a result of aging, weight fluctuations, or medical conditions such as allergies that cause the tear trough to swell. They can also be a side effect of certain medical conditions and certain cosmetic surgery procedures. Correction of tear trough deformities involves the repositioning of the cheekbone so that it no longer falls below the edge of the eyelid. This can be done with fillers, surgery, or a combination of both.


Fat Transfer

This procedure involves taking fat from one area of your body and transferring it to another area of your body. The amount of fat that can be transferred during one session varies from person to person.

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