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Face & Neck


Face Lift

A facelift is a surgical procedure that can correct sagging or lax skin on the face. It can be done on any skin type, but it’s most commonly used on patients who have loose or saggy skin on the upper cheeks, around the mouth, or on the lower cheeks.

Neck Lift

In most cases, a neck lift is performed on individuals who have excess fat, loose skin, and stretched out skin in the area below their jawline. It is often recommended for those who have experienced significant weight loss.



Kybella injections are often used to reduce the appearance of fat below the chin. The deoxycholic acid works to breakdown fat cells, making it easier for your body to flush them out through natural processes.

Genioplasty (Chin Implant)

Implants are often used to provide a more proportionate look to the face. A disproportionate look can be caused by a number of different things, such as a lack of volume in the jawline, a lack of volume in the cheek area, a low position of the jaw, a lack of volume in the lips, etc.

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